2 October 2013

Anglian Water standard distance triathlon - European qualifier

Nicetri Events have held a few events here at Grafham water. People understandably like it; it really is a solid venue and when put together with a competent event company like Keiths, well it all just gels together. I have read a shed load of feedback from the event:

For example:
‘Grafham was the glorious location for the Anglian Water standard distance triathlon which is the final European qualifier for next season.’

‘The bike course was perfect, fast and flat but had some spiteful little inclines’

Yesterday, the Saturday, saw me battling it out at the Brownlee Tri. This day, Sunday, less than 24 hours later and a 7 hour round trip I found myself not quite ready for my first ever Standard (Olimpic) distance Race, and it was a Qualifier, stepping up was what it was all about – I was finding it hard just stepping! Still up for grabs was a qualifying place for the European Championships in Kuitzbul Austria. I have already qualified for the sprint distance, bit greedy? Maybe, but I fancied a choice a little further down the line, In my age group I can see myself doing ok at this longer distance, my swim is getting better even at 1,500m the longer bike works very well for me. Then with some hard work on the run over winter everything should be ok.

My race was totally uneventful, it panned out just as I thought it would because of the way I was feeling, I set off in the swim not feeling too great the whole way round and was swimming easy heading to the first buoy. Turned the first buoy and found some feet to tag on to, to my surprise I exited the water in a good time and position. Again my cycle felt the same, sluggish and slow! Don’t even get me started on my run! I was going for a sub 2 hour time, but only
managed 2.02.17. Qualified in 1st place though.

 Looking back I was disappointed but not surprised with my performance, I did the job I needed to do.
I really look forward to doing this distance at this event next time. When I’ve trained for it properly and ready and raring to go for it, I now have a bench mark to work to. I’m also in that nice place, spoilt for choice of what distance I can do! 

Middle Distance £1,000 for 1st place, a bunch of Trophies.
Also tagged on to this event was a Sprint and Standard (well the timing mats are there as where some staff - easy money.)

So, it put it simply it was pants, actually it was pants with a hand shake. I came first (by 7 mins) odd really, you get called up by loud speaker, you stand on a podium, you shake hands, there’s a moment of slight embarrassment when you realise that the over enthusiastic hand clapping from the event organiser is all you are going to get, you get down, bewildered. No trophy, not even a simple voucher for a entry (now how hard would that have been). Seems the Sprint and the Standard really was just there to make up the £numbers£. 

One of the other reasons for going was to support team mates Ian Turner and Daz Preston take on the Middle distance race and Dave Glossy attack the Standard.

David also got a handshake for coming first, again odd. It's obvious that they understand of idea competing for something hence the £1,000 first prize and all the bling below, but this was just for the middle.

Ian and Daz did a great job, this is a link to Daz’s blog and his account of the race. Ian took 3rd spot, he too does a blog, but in TurnerTime, I will put his link on here when it’s up as well! I think its best they tell you about the event themselves, I have nothing more to say on it. (I do, but nothing good!)

N.B. look, organisers, I'm getting fed up with writing negative reviews of my races. I race at some really well organised events out there so I know it's possible.

Bedford pool Sprint on Sunday, I enjoy these.

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